Judgment is central to politics and political theory. But it is also elusive. It
requires and involves a wide range of skills, capacities, sentiments, values,
and institutions. Some theorists respond to this elusive jumble of abilities,
emotions, and forms of interaction by transcending them or abstracting
from them. Instead they resort to reason alone. This is particularly true of
contemporary liberal political thought and its dependence on the odd coupling
of "rights" and "preferences". Rights, it is supposed, have a natural
association with individual utility via the notion of subjective "preferences"
(or avowed human wants): a properly instituted and enforced objective
rights structure guarantees human life and liberty, and provides equal freedom
for all with regard to their preferences and choices (Rawls 1996, pp. xli,
xlviii). This is not only untrue (Geuss 2001, p. 148), but also detrimental to
thinking about political judgment. In these terms a good political judgment
becomes one that accords with a set of pre-determined, abstract rights. This
jettisons understanding the various reasons or motivations for actions
(rational or irrational) in favor of prescription: political judgment conceived
in terms of maxims or principles for action, with rights acting as the universal
criteria for judgment.
Other theorists, on the other hand, think that it is impossible to give,
once and for all, a single, or single set of criteria for political judgment.
This is because political judgment is always, everywhere contextual, prospective
and often takes place within a non-recurrent situation. Judgment
about how to get from "here and now" to a desirable "future there" is likely
to involve consideration of objective human goods} but it is impossible
without knowledge about the here and now, the means to get "there" and
a vision of what "there" could be like. Thus, it is more helpful, these
theorists claim, to think about what kinds of political institutions will best
enable this kind of judgment in context, that is, what conditions generate
good political judgment.
In this chapter I join the latter camp. But I do so on my own terms: I
reintroduce reason. I argue that, properly conceived, a political philosophy
of needs generates a felicitous account of political judgment and how to
perfect it. Not only does it focus attention on the determination and satisfaction
of urgent human goods; it also captures, rather than ignores, the
wide range of skills, sentiments, and institutions that constitute and affect
judgment in politics. It is therefore a good candidate for thinking about
what kinds of political institutions generate good political judgment. In
particular, this is the case for four main reasons. First, it is realist. Second, it
does not pre-determine the relevant facts, sentiments, and values in any
particular situation of judgment. Third, it provides a conceptual language
that highlights real motivations or reasons for action - existing emotions,
desires, values - and links these to a framework for assessing human goods
and institutions. Fourth, it supplies mechanisms for deliberation and
persuasion between rulers and ruled. In this way, it provides the cognitive
and institutional means for successful political judgment amongst rulers and ruled.