Dear Visitors

Journal of Natal and Zulu History is being relaunched as a Taylor and Francis Publication.

The next issue will appear in 2018. Information about subscriptions, submissions, etc is being made available on the new website, still under construction, here.


Please Note: This website will be shut down soon. Thank you for your participation and support over the years.

History and African Studies Seminar (HAAS)

From 1995-2014, the History Department at the University of KwaZulu-Natal ran a weekly seminar series on its Howard College campus. Over the years it earned a national and international reputation for nurturing the production of both scholarly research and rigorous debate about the South African past and present, and topics further afield. Post-graduate students, academic historians, colleagues from across disciplines and visiting scholars contributed to the archive of papers preserved on this site.

KZN-HAAS thanks Dave Waetjen, UC Davis for donating his creation and maintenance of the site.